Xtreme1 Point Cloud Object Detection Model Integration Guide
Model Service Interface
{# A request can contain multiple pieces of data"datas": [# Each frame of data contains one point cloud file{"id":1,# UUID"pointCloudUrl":"https://path/to/000001.pcd",# url of the point cloud file"imageUrls": ["https://path/to/image0/000001.jpg", ... ],"cameraConfigUrl":"https://path/to/camera_config/000001.json"} ]}
{"code":"OK","message":"","data": [{"id":1,# UUID from request"code":"OK","message":"","objects": [{"label":"CAR",# class"confidence":0.7# Confidence: (0~1)"x":0.0,"y":0.0,"z":0.0,# The position of the center point of the box"dx":3,"dy":2,"dz":1.5,# size of the box"rotX":0,"rotY":0,"rotZ":0.5,# The rotation direction of the box (Euler angle XYZ, intrinsic rotations)} ],"confidence":0.8# Confidence of the whole data (optional)} ]}
Development Services
Point Cloud Object Detection Service
Write a service script
An example: pcdet_demo_service.py
from flask import Flask, request, jsonifyapp =Flask(__name__)defpredict(pcd_url):# 1. Download the pcd file via pcd_url (make sure the algorithm service is connected to the Xtreme1 service machine)# r = requests. get(pcd_url, allow_redirects=True)# 2. Load the pcd file and get the point cloud information# pcd_file = io.BytesIO(r.content)#pc = load_pcd(pcd_file)# 3. Predict and get the result of target detection# results = object_detection(pc)return [# return a detection example{"label":"CAR",# category"confidence":0.7,# Confidence: (0~1)"x":0.0,"y":0.0,"z":0.0,# the position of the center point of the box"dx":3,"dy":2,"dz":1.5,# size of the box"rotX":0,"rotY":0,"rotZ":0.5,# The rotation direction of the box (Euler angle XYZ, intrinsic rotations)} ]@app.route("/pointCloud/recognition", methods = ['POST'])defrecognition(): datas = request.json['datas'] result ={"code":"OK","message":"","data": [{"id": data['id'],"code":0,"message":"","objects":predict(data['pointCloudUrl'])}for data in data ]}returnjsonify(result)y